Bush in 30 seconds

Soumis par guyf le mardi, 13 janvier, 2004 - 13:13 Référence

A l'approche des presidentielles Americaines, allez voir l'effort Bush in 30 seconds.
Extrait du site:

[...] That’s why we decided to launch Bush in 30 Seconds, an ad contest that’s intended to bring new talent and new messages into the world of mainstream political advertising. We're looking for the ad that best explains what this President and his policies are really about -- in only 30 seconds.

The Bush in 30 Seconds ad contest has been developed and run by a small team of people: Laura Dawn, David Fenton, Moby, Eli Pariser, Lee Solomon, and Jonathan Soros. We've come together because we believe that by tapping into the vast talent pool of creative people beyond the Beltway, we'll find the right messages and ads to expose the failure of President Bush's policies.

Legally, Bush in 30 Seconds is a project of the MoveOn.org Voter Fund, a new 527 fund affiliated with MoveOn.org , the pre-eminent online advocacy group in the United States. The Voter Fund's mission is to create and run powerful political ads in swing states to challenge President Bush's policies and his administration.


Les videos des finalistes peuvent etre vu ici

Billionaires for Bush

by tatien on 14 janvier, 2004 - 14:15Score: 1

L'un des meilleurs vidéos a été créé par l'association Billionaires for Bush. Leur slogan, "You have nothing to lose but your job", donne le ton du groupe satirique, qui se présente comme une association de billionaires qui sont content du travail de leur président. Lire entre autres leur plate-forme politique et Legislation: A Lucrative Investment qui montre ce que les investisements des corporations dans la campagne présidentielle leur ont rapporté.